To whom it may concern I am please needing some urgent assistance for a ballpark figure of a quote as I don't have all the information just yet but I need a rough idea of the cost. My mother has some stuff, enough for a 3 bedroomed home and garage, in the Crags near Plette that needs to be moved to Paarl, premises still TBC and roughly looking at the dates between the 3rd to the 10th August. Could you please tell me availability as well as roughly the estimated cost? It would be muchly appreciated Thank you
I have about R30k debt and I want to pay it all and pay 1 service provider. Then improve my credit score. I AM a teacher .went threw some dificult times in serious family problms .now I am just want to rebuild my life and positive credit scores. My Gross salary is R29k and net salary is about R
This is for my nephew. He suffered loss of all his family members in his development years (between age 9 to 12 years). His mother (my cousin) passing in , his only sibling in and his grandmother (my aunt) in . The family then sent him to stay with an abusive aunt, thereafter. My nephew's current behavior indicates some age regression or being stuck in a certain age. He is grown, now 28 years but he behaves like a child. Can't think for himself, self sabotages, not wanting to do anything with his life despite thousand opportunities we give him. Has no direction in life and is not bothered by anything. He sees himself as a child. Not sure if his brain stopped developing after he lost everyone he was close to in a short space of time. But his development seems like it got distorted somewhere in the time line.
- Pet hair: If you have pets, let the company know if there is pet hair in your home. This will help them to prepare the appropriate cleaning tools. - Allergies: If you have allergies, let the cleaning company know. This will help them to choose cleaning products that will not cause a reaction. - Areas to focus on: If there are specific areas of your home that you want the cleaners to focus on, such as the kitchen or the bathroom, let them know.
Installation quotation for small scale workers house in Harrismith area. It will be 3 systems in total with the following 5kW inverter 5kw battery 4 x W panels. We wil supply every thing except PV cable 4mm Red and Black = 10m AC cable 4mm Flat twin = 5m Wire ways Earthing Labour Transport from Harrysmith to farm +- 40km
We have some garages with small pinhole pricks that need touching up. We also have three garages that are leaking quite badly (see the attachment for inspection) Here is another video to show the interior of one garage when it is raining: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Kra0oLa8jmDfmZZo0kX9XwL8COD2htSa/view?usp=sharing Could you please send an estimate for A) the replacement of one of these corrugated garage roofs and B) the repair cost per roof? Sadly, the body corporate doesn't have the funds to replace all of them right now, so we will need to prioritise the highest needs first.
My wife and I have a sqm stand in Betty's Bay. We would like to build a ~43sqm 1 bedroom 1 bathroom cottage and ~43sqm double garage. The plans have been drawn up by an architect and approved by local council. The plsms also included a ~18sqm wooden deck and ~18sqm covered quartyard between the garage and cottage.
Yes , I want to book my mother in for therapy countless times she has been gambling with my dad’s money. And blames it on she is broke however she does not sleep with hunger , last night she took poison trying to kill herself because she had took money and gambled again this hurts my dad very much because he works hard for that money , I am worried that we might loose them both because of this