3 bedroom, double garage, open plan kitchen and living room, 1 bathroom and 1 guest bathroom. House is sqm
Add 2x garages to the house
Install electrical stove
I need a 3.5 cottage with one bed room and shower, kitchen and lounge.
To check our Gersey, and some plugs are not works. And Certificate of compliance.
Alternative number for Whatsapp is . Please see approved plans attached.
New face brick house in a golf estate. I need approx. price per sq/m as the stand is already paid for. Also builder must be NHBRC and/or MBA registered.
En Suite bathroom remodel, new shower with side door entry, new tiles for shower, chrome accessories for shower mixer with hand-shower head and main shower head, shower chair. Waterproofing for bathroom. New tiles for bathroom, New cupboards, basin, quartz top, tap, mirror, towel rails, white toilet with flush handle..