Request free quotes for Corporate catering in Kimberley

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Top 2 Corporate catering Pros Kimberley, 2025

Services: catering, event catering, party catering, party platters, funeral catering, wedding catering, catering platters, sandwich platters, catering companies, corporate catering, spit braai catering, handymen, home repair, handyman services, property maintenance.

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UZ Creative Services

0 reviews

Services: catering, event catering, party catering, party platters, funeral catering, wedding catering, catering platters, sandwich platters, catering companies, corporate catering, spit braai catering, upskilling, hr consulting, hr management, human resources, risk management, employee relations, employee engagement, performance management.

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Frequently asked questions

  • Do catering companies offer taste tests?

    All catering services should offer a taste test before you put an order, and we suggest you make sure the food is up to your taste buds before putting in the order.

  • Does my quote include servers along with the food?

    Things included in the quotation will depend on a singular catering company. Some companies include food only, whereas others include servers, delivery of the food or even clean up after the event. Make sure to check the fine print when examining the quotations.

  • Will the catering company accommodate any dietary restrictions I might have?

    Most catering companies will take into account your dietary restrictions or food preferences. However, before deciding on a catering company, it is best to ask them specifically.